INTERFACE™Best Match Default Settings |
On of the unique features of INTERFACE™ is the percent match. Listings with a 100% match exactly and any lower percentage is not an exact match. The percentage provides an indication of how closely the listing matches. So for example are searching for listings priced between $200,000 and $250,000. If a listing otherwise matching all of our criteria, but priced at $199,999 is found, rather than ignoring it because it does not match, INTERFACE™ will identify it as a 99% match. You can control the value used for the match by setting the . Furthermore you can also control the total number of best matches found with the . No matter what you put for the Maximum number of Best Matches, INTERFACE™ will always display all 100% matches and this setting only affects the total count if there are not enough 100% matches. In that case, the cutoff point is reached when the listings fall below the Minimum Match % specified or the Maximum number of best matches, whichever comes first. If you do not like all of this and you find it confusing or annoying, then set the Minimum Match to 100% and only exact matches will be displayed (and you'll never know about that perfect house priced at $199,999).
By default the settings for the Minimum Match and Number of Best Matches are set a 90% and 50. You can set these defaults to any values you like. This page describes how to change the "best match" default settings on the search criteria window.
By default these numbers are set a 90% and 50. To change the default, simply type the new percentage in the Minimum Match box and type in the number of near matches required, then click the Set as default box.