This page covers the use of INTERFACE™ Help.
Interface help is arranged in tutorials. Each tutorial covers a major topic on how to use INTERFACE™. The topics are progressive with each one building one the ones before it, so the tutorials are meant to be taken in order. You can also refer to any specific tutorial if you only require information on that subject, or you can refer back to the tutorials at any time.
Each tutorial has a number of sub-topics. You move into the tutorials by clicking
the Tutorials selection on the Help menu. From there you may click on any of
the headings and the computer will take you to that topic. If you want to move
back to a previous page then you must click the "Back" button which
is located in the tool bar above and looks like this:
Once you have moved back, you may move forward again with the forward button
which is located in the toolbar above and looks like this: