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Using Microsoft Publisher's Zoom In and Zoom Out Features

This page describes how to zoom in and zoom out in Microsoft Publisher.

Begin by merging a CMA. You will then have a Microsoft Publisher window with your CMA in it like this.

 wpe1A.jpg (34850 bytes)

Set Publisher to full screen mode by clicking the wpe36.jpg (733 bytes) button near the top right corner of the Publisher Window.

Microsoft Publisher is not a word processing program it is a layout program. It is designed for creating layouts that combine pictures, and various styles of text on the same page. Since it is a layout program it starts out by displaying the page layout. Unfortunately (unless you have a very large monitor) when you look at the layout of the entire page, some of the text may be too small to see. To deal with this problem Publisher has a zoom in/zoom out feature.

The zoom control is located along the bottom just to the left of center and it looks like this:

wpe1B.jpg (1331 bytes)

There are 4 parts to this control, 3 buttons and a label:

1. wpe1C.jpg (876 bytes) The main zoom button
2. wpe1D.jpg (880 bytes) The label showing the current zoom status
3. wpe1E.jpg (732 bytes) The zoom out button
4. wpe20.jpg (734 bytes) The zoom in button

To zoom in (enlarge) click the wpe20.jpg (734 bytes) (zoom in) button. To zoom out (reduce) click the wpe1E.jpg (732 bytes) (zoom out) button. To zoom directly to the magnification of you choice click the wpe1C.jpg (876 bytes) (main zoom) button, and then click on the desired magnification.

When you zoom in you will zoom in on the currently selected object or the center of the page if there is no selection. To view some other part of the page you will need to scroll.