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Change Column Widths

A the top of the list is a column header which contains the names for each column. It looks like this:

wpe91.jpg (3073 bytes)

The names in the column header are more than just labels. They are also little horizontally-resizable windows. You can change the width of a column by resizing the column header in the same way that you would resize a window.

Insert a wpe99.jpg (1268 bytes) column between wpe94.jpg (1122 bytes) and wpe93.jpg (1162 bytes). Initially this column will be too narrow to display all parking type information for each listing in your list. Whenever you see the contents of a column ending in ... you know that there is more information that has been cut off because the column is too narrow.

To make wpe9A.jpg (1268 bytes) wider, first position your mouse between wpe9A.jpg (1268 bytes) and wpe93.jpg (1162 bytes) so that the normal arrow mouse cursor becomes a wpe9F.jpg (783 bytes) . Then while the mouse cursor is a wpeA0.jpg (783 bytes), drag the mouse to the right a little ways and then release the mouse button. The wpe9A.jpg (1268 bytes) column will become wider.

Using this technique, you can make the columns any width you like.

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