INTERFACE™      Table of Contents

Create CMA data pages ... from within the INTERFACE™ program

Step 1: Assemble the comparables by utilizing the searching capabilities of INTERFACE™:

Step 2: Click on the CMA 


button. This will open a window like this ...

Step 3: Fill in the subject property information by double clicking just to the right of the blue icon. The following window will appear ...

Information about the subject property can now be entered including the address in the space above the List Date and Remarks in the large white space below the Seller entry point.

Note: If you are creating a CMA document based on a property that was previously listed, rather than fill in the window above, find the previously listed property and drag and drop the listing into the Subject Property position. In this example we have found a property by MLS number 135526 and it has been dropped it into the Subject Property position as shown ...


After you have dropped the Subject Property in place - you can double click on the Subject Property line and the following window will open ... 

This information can now be edited and brought up-to-date. The name of the "Seller" of the subject property will be used throughout the CMA as the name of your prospect and you may wish to change it accordingly. Likewise the "Sale Date" of the subject property will be the CMA date (it will default to today's date but you can postdate your CMA is you wish). The remarks section should normally be changed to reflect your own astute observations about the subject property (rather than those of the previous listing agent).

You should verify the accuracy of all information and complete all sections that you are able to.

Step 4:  It is a good idea to click the Save button, and save your CMA. It is saved as a type of Floating List and when you click the Save button INTERFACE™ automatically opens your "Interface Saved_Items\Saved_Lists" folder .

Double click on the CMA folder and save your CMA under whatever name you choose.

Step 5:  From within the CMA window click on the Print View button ...

Your summary CMA page is now ready for printing. To print this page click on the Print button.

Step 6:  It's now time to print the detailed pages of our CMA. First you need to switch from Table View to Print View. Then in the upper right hand corner of the CMA window there is a button called the Layout Options (indicated by the red arrow) ...


When you click on the Layout Options button the following "Layout Options" window opens. This "floating" window applies to the open CMA window.

Now you can click on the Two per page button on the "floating" Layout Options window. The CMA window reflects the Two per page selection.

Click on the blue arrow to scroll through your CMA pages.

Step 7:  From within the CMA window click on the Print View button. The data pages will then be sent to the printer. These data pages can be collated with the Basic, Standard or Enhanced WAVE forms or any other pages created in other programs like Word.