Important note to INTERFACE™ end-users: The Email Button works the same for BOTH Outlook Express and Outlook. Simply select your template of choice (View as Web Page) and click on the email button to send. Note: For users of Outlook Express please ensure that you have the "Send pictures with messages" selected. Open Outlook Express > go to Tools > Options > Send tab > HTML Settings (mail sending format) > and put a tick in the "Send pictures with messages" box. For other email programs, if the Email Button does not produce the desired result, try sending your email using the copy and paste method. Any email client (program) capable of accepting a paste from the Windows® operating system can be used with the INTERFACE™ templates. Not all email clients (programs) are compatible. |
There are two possible ways of sending listings by email:
*The Embedded method is the preferred methodology for email as no attachment is associated with your email. This ensures the recipient will have no concerns about the email received. Attachments sometimes contain viruses.