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How to Retrieve Something from the Recycle Bin

This page describes how to retrieve a file or folder that you deleted (sent to the Recycle Bin) by mistake.

When I throw papers in the garbage I never tear, shred, or crumple them, because occasionally I throw them away by mistake and then later I dig them out of my waste paper basket. I suppose that other people must work the way I do because in Windows 95/98 Microsoft created a Recycle Bin where all the files and folders that you delete get stashed. If you need to retrieve something from the Recycle Bin, you can open the Recycle Bin by double clicking its desktop icon.

wpe1.jpg (1372 bytes)

Or you can find it using Windows Explorer if it has no desktop icon. You should set the View Settings on your Recycle Bin to match the settings you are using in Windows Explorer. Then you will more easily be able to find the file or folder you want to retrieve, because you can sort the files in the bin by their file names simply by clicking the wpe43.jpg (1022 bytes) column header, and you can sort the files by their date deleted by clicking the wpe46.jpg (1142 bytes) column header.

To retrieve an item from the Recycle Bin, find the file or folder you want to restore and then right click that file or folder. A popup menu will appear. On the popup menu click wpe47.jpg (1436 bytes) to restore the file or folder to its original location.

From time to time you should empty your Recycle Bin as this operation frees up space on your hard drive.